Program Analyser not showing pipeline

Level 4

Program Analyser not showing pipeline

Hi all,

I'm trying to use the Program Analyser to show what pipeline and revenue has been generated from each of our programs, but it's showing $0. A look in Salesforce shows that the programs have opportunities attached (as both open and won), and most of them have contact roles on the opportunity. Yet the opportunity value is not passing through.

Is there anything else that it looks for in reporting on this data?



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Program Analyser not showing pipeline

It is hard to troubleshoot without a screenshot.

Please check that the leads are Members of Program and you are using FT vs. MT, which will provide very different results.

Not applicable

Re: Program Analyser not showing pipeline

Hi Natali,

I'm having the same problem. FT & MT both show as 0. Did you ever figure this out?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Program Analyser not showing pipeline

Again, a bit hard to know without screenshots or more about your system. Things to consider:

  • Acquisition Program flow step in use?
  • Are you sure leads and Opps are being set according to the FT/MT rules?
  • Are your programs Inclusive or Exclusive?
  • Is RCE set to Inclusive or Exclusive? (you almost always want inclusive)
Level 4

Re: Program Analyser not showing pipeline

Here is a screenshot of what I'm seeing. This hasn't worked at all since I tried setting it up. The campaigns have members and pipeline associated, but this doesn't flow through into Program Analyser. I'm guessing its because there's a part of Marketo that's an add on and we haven't got it.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Program Analyser not showing pipeline

Agree with everything Josh said and check those things first.

For FT pipeline to show up, you must have acquisition program and acquisition date.  Joe Smith is a contact role on the opportunity.  Joe Smith was acquired by a non operational program.  The acquisition date has to be before the oppty creation date. 

For MT, the following must occur.  Jane Smith must be a member of a program and reach a success step (the green check box)  Jane Smith must be on the oppty.  The dates will also matter program success date and oppty creation closed date, but that relationship is a bit more complicated.