Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

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Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

I have a problem with Munchkin “Asynchronous jQuery”
We tried to add this code in our website
<script type="text/javascript">
  url: '//',
  dataType: 'script',
  cache: true,
  success: function() {
but sometime we check the cookie “_mkto_trk” cannot be created and store in our browser.
We tested by try to clean this cookie and refresh page.
and other cases sometime it cannot be autofilled the cookie value “_mkto_trk”  to input hidden field “mkt_trk” before we submit the form
This problem cause we lost 10 - 20% new leads or sometime split our lead to some anonymous leads
Could you have any idea?

please answer me ASAP,


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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

Did you recently update to the latest version of jQuery on your site? If so, you may need to use munchkin-beta.js instead of munchkin.js. Munchkin-beta is actually now the standard version since the last Marketo release I believe. Let me know if this fixes your issue, and if not, consider posting the URL so the community can help to diagnose the issue.
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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

We're using jQuery > 1.7 (1.8.3)

Do you have any document about using munchkin-beta? if it's the standard version since the last Marketo release, then we should have informed ?

What happend if we use munchkin-beta.js? Marketo will remove -beta in near future or update into munchkin.js?

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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

Actually, I can't find any official documentation right now, but if you go to the Munchkin setup in Admin, you'll find that munchkin-beta is now there by default. Perhaps this was a stealth update. Here's a post from Erik @ Marketo on the matter: "Basically, we're removing the jQuery dependency in order to make it more compatable with other versions of it (like 1.9)."

And another post from Erik mentioning how the beta might fix library conflicts, "I've seen this before myself with other libraries. There are some (including Prototype it seems) which don't always play nice with what is on the page. Now, the beta is more isolated and less likely to have this issue."

I'm not sure what Marketo are planning to do with regards to the naming of munchkin files, but I'd assume using munchkin-beta is safe for everyone now that it is the default option. We've been using it for a while now with no issues.
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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.


Here is my site:

Could you have a look what we're using Marketo setup on that.

I went to Munchkin setup in Admin, i found that munchkin.js still by default. 


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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

Ok, well you have a TypeError on line 1459 which could be preventing your Munchkin and Google Analytics scripts from being invoked. Once you've resolved that error, you may find that tracking starts working.

Let me know if that solves your issue 🙂
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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

| well you have a TypeError on line 1459
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'tooltip'

This one?

Google Analytics still working fine, only Marketo sometime cannot render cookie 

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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

Actually the one I'm referring to is the line that starts with <script>window.require(["SHARED/base","SHARED/selectors",

and the pasted error:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

Hi Adam,

You can test it on , it had the same problem without the javascript errors.

The javascript error:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

it doesn't impact to the Marketo's scripts. Because if it impacts to Marketo's scripts, Marketo won't work when we implement it on our sites. Normally, it still works fine, just in some cases, it doesn't work well.
Sometimes it cannot be autofilled the cookie value “_mkto_trk”  to input hidden field “mkt_trk” before we submit the form.

Could you check it on other sites by the way we are testing : remove the cookie "_mkt_trk" and refresh page?


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Re: Problem with rendering cookie "_mkto_trk" and pre-fill in _mkt_trk input hidden field.

Ah, I've just noticed you have some code which manipulates mkto cookies. Apologies, as I haven't had the chance to experiment with this myself. The only thing I can suggest is debug this code as much as you can and create lots of test scenarios. I tested by observing that I was cookied, deleting the cookie and refreshing the page: each time I got a different tracking token. Is this working as you'd expect?

One other thing to check is your "Do Not Track" setting in Munchkin Admin: If you're supporting this, it would explain why some leads aren't being tracked.