please answer me ASAP,
Here is my site:
Could you have a look what we're using Marketo setup on that.
I went to Munchkin setup in Admin, i found that munchkin.js still by default.
Hi Adam,
You can test it on , it had the same problem without the javascript errors.
The javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
it doesn't impact to the Marketo's scripts. Because if it impacts to Marketo's scripts, Marketo won't work when we implement it on our sites. Normally, it still works fine, just in some cases, it doesn't work well.
Sometimes it cannot be autofilled the cookie value “_mkto_trk” to input hidden field “mkt_trk” before we submit the form.
Could you check it on other sites by the way we are testing : remove the cookie "_mkt_trk" and refresh page?