Re: problem with email address token in form 2.0

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problem with email address token in form 2.0


I have a problem with tokens in the form function - show if known lead. 

There I can write 
"Hi {{lead.First Name}}." which obviously will show "Hi Mathias." 

But if I write "your report will be sent to {{lead.Email Address}}" it shows "your report will be sent to {{lead.Email Address}}"

Has anyone else experienced this problem or do you know why this is? 

Below exampel is in Swedish. Under the Lorem Ipsum text you can see the token working from the Landing page code, but just below is the "form code" where the {{lead.FirstName}} works fine, but not the email token.


Many thanks for any suggestions. 
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: problem with email address token in form 2.0

is this in preview mode?

Is there htm that is interfering somehow?

Does the lead have an Email?

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Re: problem with email address token in form 2.0

Thanks for the reply. Seems like there is a problem with the rendering of the token value in this case. 

Will have to wait and see what comes from Marketo support.