I have a question about the filter Email is open. When an email is considered as open ? Is it open if the user just preview it ?
JOACHIM FERRARI - "Opened" Is logged when a recipient views an email with images NOT blocked. Only one open event per email, per person, per smart campaign is logged. If they open the same email from their inbox twice, it will not be logged more than once.
Understanding Email Event Logging - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation
The Preview is NOT an Open event.
Thanks for your help Balkar Singh ! I see emails where a person have clicked on the link but not open it. Could you confirm me that the reason is that the person has previewed the mail and clicked on the link ?
Could you confirm me that the reason is that the person has previewed the mail and clicked on the link ?
Anytime images are not enabled, but the person follows a link, you'll see Clicked Email without an accompanying Opened Email. Note of course that mail scanners are clicking your links as well They aren't all humans (in fact most of them are probably not humans).
Thanks a lot for your help.
Anytime images are not enabled,
I'm not sure to understand what you called "images". "Images" are images in the core of our mails ? And for which reason images would be not enabled ?
Note of course that mail scanners are clicking your links as well They aren't all humans (in fact most of them are probably not humans).
So you think clicked Email is not a good indicator ?
I'm not sure to understand what you called "images". "Images" are images in the core of our mails ? And for which reason images would be not enabled ?
Because for security reasons, some mail clients (most notably Outlook) do not show images by default.
So you think clicked Email is not a good indicator ?
Definitely not -- it's becoming less and less representative of human activity.
May I ask you which indicators do you use as representative of human activity ?
Human activity is guaranteed if you have a clickable button or other deliberate human interaction.
No - a preview is not an open. It could be that the images are blocked in user's inbox settings.
Preview can definitely be an Opened Email if images are enabled for that sender. Anytime you can see the (visible) images in the email, assume the (hidden) pixel is downloaded as well.