Did you ever find a solution to this? I am desperately trying to do the same thing as you mentioned.
Every example I've ever posted with a lightbox is running on a non-Marketo page (my CodePen account). Search for them.
We are using marketo forms in lightboxes (www.a1ssi.com). It did take a while for our web person to figure out.
trigger for the lightbox (with bootstrap):
<div id="button">
<a href="#" title="Schedule" class="schedule" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#" onclick="showForm()">Schedule a Class</a>
this goes at the bottom of the document before the closing tag (</body>)
<script src="//app-ab17.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"></script>
function showForm(src="//app-ab17.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js") {
"instance number",
function (form) {
function showForm(src="//app-ab17.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js") {
This is broken JavaScript in IE and Safari. It uses an ES2015 feature that cannot be used on public sites yet.
If that's fixed, the code isn't "wrong" per se, but it is inefficient because it waits for the button to be clicked before loading the form from Marketo's server. You don't want to waste those couple of seconds if you're using a lightbox.
The more efficient way is like this: MktoForms2 :: Lightbox on Demand
Good information. But for us, this way you provide doesn't work for Chrome or Firefox.
Someone's implementing something wrong. I do all my development in Chrome and Firefox and there is absolutely nothing browser-specific about that code (except I didn't bother with IE8 compatibility).
Go to this page in every modern browser: http://s.codepen.io/figureone/debug/xONmXE
I think the issue is that we are currently stuck using bootstrap (which I noted in my original post) so we are technically using a modal, not an actual lightbox. If you look at the code, you see that it is for a modal, not lightbox.