Is it possible to add anonymous IP address as a custom column in the program reports?
Hi Karen,
You can't add it as a column in a report, as reports are more focused on the number of leads and not individual lead details.
You can add it to the members tab of a program though, and you can add it to a smart list view as well.
Hi John,
Thanks for the reply. I do have this set, but was hoping to get into the report automatically.
Anonymous IDs cannot become Members of a Program.
What exactly do you want to do?
We are just beginning our journey in populating our CRM. Have not loaded purchased data on all individuals within our TSA. Currently just have our current patients and those that have engaged in a marketing campaign. For the moment as we look at program performance, first glance it may appear to be poor. However, we may have had a 1000+ anonymous IP addresses that were recorded clicking on the ad or visiting the landing page. I realize we will get to the point were our CTAs are stronger resulting in action and we will continue to develop our CRM, but for now it would be nice to see the number anonymous IP addresses in the report.
Hi Karen
In a similar situation I create a static list in the program.
I add to the static list via smart campaign flow steps when adding the lead to the program.
I can see all leads and anonymous ip at the static list.
Thanks, I have not tried this.