We typically hosts 2 of the same webinars in 1 week. But we don't want to create a click-click issue meaning too many clicks. So How can create an option in a form to allow people to select which day and time they want in the registration form. Please note we use GoToWebinar and want this to be seamlessly synced.
Why doesn't a radio button set work? Please be exact in what you expect the form field results to be from each permutation.
Hi Alexis,
We also host a webinar multiple times but with one landing page. In order to just use one form/landing page to keep track of these webinars we do the following:
It is a bit tedious because you continually have to update the dates or times, but it works for us.
Hope that helps!
Do you sync this to SFDC? And if so do you use separate per date/time campaigns?
I need to create a landing page webinar registration form with the option of 2 locations (NAM, EMEA), i'm trying to figure out how to capture the form fills.
Hi Purvika,
There's atleast 2 different ways of doing this -
Hope this helps in what you are looking for!!
Please see more details on how Wintha did that here:
How to Setup Recurring Webinars in MarketoMarketing Rockstar Guides
hopefully some of the links back to the old community still work.