Re: Person Notes in List Upload

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Person Notes in List Upload

Hi everyone,

We are about to start uploading some lists from recent tradeshows, and have done a few tests to make sure that everything is mapping correctly. Everything is working except for person notes. I had assumed that they would sync through to the "Description" field we have on lead and contact records in SFDC, but for some reason the information in that field isn't coming through.

I have double checked that everything is mapped correctly--both in the actual spreadsheet that we're uploading and in our field settings.

Has anybody else had a similar problem, or better yet, a solution?

Thanks very much!
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Re: Person Notes in List Upload

I recall that this may be a system-controlled field (can't write to it via list upload)...check with support.
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Re: Person Notes in List Upload

It's definitely populating the person notes field in Marketo--it's just somehow not making it through to description in SFDC even after sync. I'll put in a support ticket. Thanks for the help!
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Re: Person Notes in List Upload

Hey Kate,

Person Notes doesn't push through...randomly enough you can't send the data into the description field.  Best thing to do is to just create a new custom field for description OR a supplementary field where you can store this data.

Create it on the Lead and Contact record and map the two before it comes over to Marketo.  Only thing that's a bit tough on this field is Marketo doesn't have a concatenation feature now so you'd be updating the field everytime someone submitted new information.  Best way to take care of this is to ALSO submit the comment into a logged call on the Lead or Contact record in the comments field.

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Re: Person Notes in List Upload

Thanks for this thread - @Michael, do you know if there's a way to submit the comment into SFDC as a logged call, but to be able to do it en masse in a batch? Ideally it would appear as either a closed task or notes. I'm a newbie user, and I know I can create batch tasks, but don't know how to populate them with comments from the show floor.
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Re: Person Notes in List Upload

Hey there Erica,

You should be able to do it in batch, but that would assume that you already have those details against all of the records?

Usually people do this via trigger when someone fills out a form (with the value populated).  If you were doing it in batch, you'd build a smart campaign with everyone who has a value as not empty, then in your flow you'd use "Create Task" and then in the notes section put the merge token for the field i.e. {{lead.web comment}}.

Its also a bit strange to do it in batch because you'd effectively be putting all of the calls in RIGHT today January 8th.  Does that make sense in  your case?
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Re: Person Notes in List Upload

Thanks for the response Michael. It does make sense in the context of a tradeshow.
  1. Exhibit at a show.
  2. Meet new friends who want you to follow up and share meaty good info about themselves verbally.
  3. We write those notes on their cards on in the lead scanner system.
  4. We come home.
  5. I upload the CSV with those notes in a column.
  6. Sadly, Marketo pushes those notes nowhere.
And I'd hoped they'd flow from Person Notes in Marketo to Description in SFDC - since they are mapped (and since that's how Eloqua works [former user], and yes, I know that that field gets overwritten over time, but at least when the rep tasked to follow up clicks through, there's background in the SFDC record why we thought they were hot).

In the absence of that, and even better perhaps because of the Description field always getting updated, I'd read a bunch of Community Ideas around being able to add those notes as a Note or Task/closed Activity in the SFDC Lead or Contact Record.

Clear as mud?
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Person Notes in List Upload

Hi Erica - did you ever come up with a solution to this issue?
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Re: Person Notes in List Upload

Hi Dan - sadly no. Creating a new field in MKTO/SFDC would do it, but I'm not inclined to keep adding new fields at the moment. My workaround - since we don't have a TON of comments just yet - is to upload the CSV and then as I'm tasking the reps, to manually put the notes from the card in the task. It isn't pretty, but we've found it gets them to take action because the notes, and the link to the person in SFDC, is all right there.

Have other ideas?