A javascript question...
I've got a simple script that will pass my form value to the url in a thankyou page. It doesn't work with radio button fields. When I looked around for other suggestions, the suggestions seem to be using what I've already got. So, I thought maybe somebody here knows what to do - maybe something particular to Marketo.. or I just didn't look hard enough. My script, currently, which works with the other field types:
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form) {
form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) {
var appendEmail = document.getElementsByName('miscInfoField1')[0].value
location.href = "http://go.website.com/pagename?choice=" + appendEmail;
return false;
Charles, you should be using the values object, not getting a new handle to the DOM element (which is not guaranteed to hold the same value as the underlying field on the form object).
values is already passed to the onSuccess listener and contains the submitted values.
Something like this?
MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-ab14.marketo.com","746-PTV-801", 2063, function(form){
form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl){
var vals = form.vals();
location.href = "http://go.website.com/thanks.html?choice="+vals.miscInfoField1"";
return false;
when I do the above, it only passes the very first value of the radio buttons, regardless which option is chosen.
See a couple of extra quotes there, but anyway I can't repro this. Watch this:
If you point me to the real URL I can tell you what's happening on your site.
Sanford, so sorry! I got sidetracked and we'd decided it was low priority to solve the above problem. So, I never pursued further, and didn't notice your message above, until signing in to ask an unrelated question.
The page is here: Pick your favorite Cupcake
The intention is that, when the user makes their choice, it passes the value to the thanks page and modifies the copy to same something specific to the flavor they chose.