Hi, I recently ran a huge campaign for our sales teams, and I shared with them the statistics from the email (i.e. Opens, % Opens, Hard Bounces, Sent, Delivered, etc.)
The stats showed 2,736 opened the email at least once.
When I export the Results from the smart campaign, filter Activity Type by Open Email, the numbers do not match. It gives me 2,450 (see below).
Is there any reason why these two are not matching up? Could it be duplicate values, or is it being pulled from a completely different place? I have been trying hard to figure it out on my own, but I'm left confused and without answers 😞 Any help is appreciated!
When someone clicks the link but doesn't open, we do report an "open" in the email performance report. This is an 'inferred' open. However, for those cases there is no "open" in the results tab.