Re: Open a deeplink in app without passing through browser

Level 2

Open a deeplink in app without passing through browser

Hi all,

I'm having a bit of challenge here opening a deeplink from a Marketo email.

When Marketo tracking is enable and send a email with a deeplink, when opening it, it goes first through a web browser (in this case Safari) to load whether you want to open the article in the app and then it redirects you to the app.

Found out that when disable the Marketo tracking in a deeplink and open it, it goes straight to the app without passing through a web browser.

Heard from Marketo that as deep links into apps are triggered upon link clicks that contain a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and Marketo's tracking is systematically designed to pickup the activity via the unique tracking link which does not contain the URI, there is currently no methodology for a deep link to work on a Marketo tracked link.

Has anyone overcome with a solution of keeping enable the tracking and open a deeplink in the app without passing through web browser?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Open a deeplink in app without passing through browser

Tracked links are always http:// or https:// URIs. Those links in turn redirect the end user to the next hop using JavaScript.

There's no way to create such a URI that will "fool" a mail client into opening the next-hop link (the link wrapped by the tracked link) directly, because the next hop is not known until the first-hop link is opened.

Level 2

Re: Open a deeplink in app without passing through browser

Thanks for that!