Re: one to many trigger campaign

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one to many trigger campaign

We have a cloud solution and we need to notify customers of maintaince, etc. I'd like to update ONE FIELD IN ONE ACCOUNT in SFDC and have an email sent to a subset of customers. Is there anyway to do this without having to code SFDC to mark all the accounts that woud receive the email? Is ther another solution out there?
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Re: one to many trigger campaign

Hi Jessica,

Why don't you create a List or Smart List that contains only the leads that need to be notified, and then send to that list?

Let me know if that works for you,
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Re: one to many trigger campaign

Is that account field available in marketo? If so you could create a "Customer Notification" smartlist and use that field as the flag as Brody has suggested. Another way to skin that cat is to create a smartlist of all leads that are part of an oppty that was "won" .
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Re: one to many trigger campaign

You could create a new date field in SFDC for Maintance and make it available for Marketo. You could leave the field empty or populate it with a date for when the maintanance should be done (e.g. like for your car). In Marketo you can create a smartlist with leads/contacts that have {{company.Maintance Date}} is today or in 7 days or so. With this you can create a trigger campaign that automatically sends notifications when leads/contacts within an account are up for maintanance (e.g. to the account owner).
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Re: one to many trigger campaign

I have more info on our requirements. We need to be able to put some fields into the email itself, such as start time and end time. These are not on the customer accounts, just on one 'master' account. We want our spport team fill out the fields in the ONE master account, but I need to use the entires for an email sent to a big list. Possible??
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Re: one to many trigger campaign

Fields on the lead/contact level are available through {{lead.Value}} and on the account level {{company.Value}}. So if you create start time and end time on the account level, all associated leads/contacts would be able to use the values.

But if you don't need it on the account level, but on a global level (start time and end time is the same for all leads/contacts in the system) you could just manually put it in...

Or if you have 3 different start times and end times, you could also create three SF campaigns. and add leads/contacts to those campaigns, and have different texts in the emails per campaign.

You could also create the fields in SF on the user level (for the sales rep himself). and on the lead/contact level. In SF you can create a macro to automatically copy the value to to leads the sales rep owns, wheb he changes his time value.
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Re: one to many trigger campaign

Hi Diedreik,

I think you are saying that I need to put the time stamp on each account. That's the ticky part that I would like to avoid. It sounds like there is no workaround...

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Re: one to many trigger campaign

Maybe my last mentioned option would work:

You could also create the fields in SF on the user level (for the sales rep himself). and on the lead/contact level. In SF you can create a macro to automatically copy the value to to leads the sales rep owns, when he changes his time value.

I don't know if you can also add a 6th filed/value for lead owner? Like {{lead.Owner Mail Address}}. And add the tem/date on the sales rep record.