One Landing Page for multiple events

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One Landing Page for multiple events

I need to set up 50 events with very similar content. The only thing that will change are the event details and date. I still want to track registrations for each event seperately. I know that I can utilize tokens to do this but is there a way to do this without having to create 50 different registration pages? 
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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: One Landing Page for multiple events

Put all the event info in the body of a single page. Hide all by default.  Parse the URL parameters to determine which one to unhide (?event=3, ?event=34, etc.).

If I were doing this I'd save all the details in a JavaScript object(s) to not create any extra markup.  You might be more comfortable creating a hidden HTML tag for each event and using JS only to do the show/hide.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: One Landing Page for multiple events

Also see
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Re: One Landing Page for multiple events

Hi Ryan, 

Are you looking to just track who's filled out a form for example? Have you considered using CID's to track each reg page?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: One Landing Page for multiple events

Definitely follow @Josh's advice on the back end.

Here's an example of how a few lines of JavaScript and some custom CSS on the form can get you where you want on the front end:
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Re: One Landing Page for multiple events

Thanks guys, I think I will go with a combination or Josh's process along with the Javascript.

Sanford - Which part of the HTML source is the JavaScript that controls the show/hide of content?
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: One Landing Page for multiple events

@Ryan The SCRIPT tag inside the DIV with id=lpeCDiv_4937.