Re: Obtaining opt-in consent via a link in an email

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Obtaining opt-in consent via a link in an email

With the new legislation being enforced beginning on July 1 in Canada, we would like to send an email to all of our existing Canadian accounts to give them the ability to opt-in to our emails.  Rather than send them to a form, can we make this as simple as possible so that once they click on an "I agree" button in the email, they will be taken to a page that opts them in via a hidden form?
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Re: Obtaining opt-in consent via a link in an email

You do not need to use a hidden form, you can run a smart campaign based on 'Clicks link in Email" and change the data value of the opt in field through a flow action.  
I have done this exact thing and found that although some people are clicking the link the data value is not changing (25 out of 160) and have raised a ticke with Marketo to loook into why those values are not updating.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Obtaining opt-in consent via a link in an email

Great idea Jason - thanks!  If you could, please reply back what Marketo Support says as to why some of these leads aren't being updated properly.
Level 10

Re: Obtaining opt-in consent via a link in an email

Hey Dan, not sure if it's worth taking a look into this, but there was an interesting Listrak blog post that sounds similar to what you're dealing with right now...

Sending an email can't really hurt since you'll be gaining explicit opt-in from people, but don't dismiss the rest of your Canadian database (unless, of course, you don't already have a business relationship with them).
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Obtaining opt-in consent via a link in an email


There were two similar threads related to clicks link. We agreed that clicks link is not a 100% solution, only a form is. Please consider only using a prefilled form. 
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Obtaining opt-in consent via a link in an email

That's pretty concerning since many of our success steps involve a "clicks link" trigger (both from an email perspective as well as downloading content from our site).  What is Marketo's response to this?