Re: Nurturing campaign activation

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Nurturing campaign activation


My question will probably sounds silly but I am new to Marketo ...
I created my first nurturing campaign containing 3 streams.
I scheduled every streams (early, middle, late).
I planned transition rules:  I had a trigger (opened email is ...), a smartlist and planned flows.
I also activated every contents. I tested campaign on my personnal emails.

How do I know that my nurturing campaign is activated and will be send to my smartlist ?
Is there an indicator ?

Thanks for you help !

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Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Irène,
I think you are talking about Engagement Programs? In this case you can go to Members to see if anyone is in the Program. DId you build a Smart Campaign to add people to the Program?

Best regards

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Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Steffen,

Thanks for your prompt answer.
I did not build a smart campaign. My predecessor and teacher on Marketo created programs and emails and  I used it for engagement program.
So that I created a nurturing campaign and add these contents to every streams.
In the transition rules, I add a smart list but leads from this smartlist are not present in "Members".

Kind regards,


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Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Irene,
I may be totally wrong but you need to create a Smart Campaign to add people to the programm, and I'm pretty sure about that.

Best regards


Level 10

Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Irene, Steffen is correct. It sounds like you have the framework all set up, but you will need some type of batch or triggered campaign to push people into the program.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Yes, you must add people to the Streams with a batch or trigger system.

Once in the Engagement, the emails will start going out at the first Cast after the additions. If you were supposed to add people to Stream 1 and then they go into the other Streams based on behavior, you are good to go.

If you need to add people to separate Streams from the start, be sure to do that using Choices or other methods.

The Engagement Dashboard will display if people are engaging and if they are exhausted. You can view the Summary to see the counts of people by Stream.
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Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Josh,

Thanks for your answer. I already add a trigger in my stream "early" which is "open email A".
I created a smart campaign, add a smartlist to it and in section "flow", I choose "add to engagement program" and also "open email A" . I can see members in my smart campaign but not in my nurturing program.
Do I have to "run once" the smart campaign to activate nurturing program ?



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Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Irene,
Smart List should be "Opens Email" / "Opened Email". You should choose either Trigger or Batch depending if you always want new clicks in your Engagement Program directly (Trigger) or if you just want to add them onetime (Batch) or if you want to just add new Leads each day/week/month (Batch).
Flow Should be "Add to Engagement Program" and then run it.

Important: Set how often you want people to be able to go threw the Smart Campaign if this is important for you. Default is just one time.

If you want people to also be able to start in a later Stream (for example step 2) you need to setup the Smart Campaign slightly different.

Best regards

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Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Steffen,

Thanks for your answer. I created a smart campaign to add leads to my nurturing campaign (engagement program).
Do I have to create a new smart campaign to add leads to each streams (early, middle, late) ?


Best regards,

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Re: Nurturing campaign activation

Hi Irene,
no that should work automatically, that's what you build in the engagement program. I normally build it anyway. And think about adding people who are highly qualified to later streams directly, instead of moving them to stage 1.

Best regards
