Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

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Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

Hi there,

I created a new nurture with 10 different touches. I just sent the first email today and when I spot checked the members of the nurture, it shows that the content is exhausted'. How can that be possible?

Thank you!


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Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

Are all of the assets that you're sending in your nurture program approved?  If you want, post a screenshot of the nurture flow and maybe we can figure out if there is something missing.

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Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

oh no, I just noticed that I did not 'Activate' the you think that is the issue? If so, what does that mean to activate it?

Not applicable

Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

In the regular engagement engine, activating the content is akin to approving the content to be sent out.  Basically, the engagement engine performs a "cast" at an interval of time, checks to see if there is any activated content in that stream that the lead hasn't received yet, then sends it (or takes no action).  So, you could have exhausted content for some leads, but some leads (those added more recently) would still be working their way through your content stream.

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Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

Originally, I scheduled the nurture to send without activating any content in the stream so does that mean the people in my list did not get the first touch? I have activated them all now. If it didn't send to the list, should I set-it up to send again today?

Before I activated the content and sent email:


Now I have activated the content:


Level 4

Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

Yes, it looks like none of the emails went out. You could change the first caste date to be later so you can have it start again. All of the programs are good to go now, so you should be all set whenever your next caste runs.

Level 4

Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

Note that you won't get engagement results until the next day after the caste sends out.

Also, you can schedule your content in the engagement stream to only be active for a certain date range, if you have time sensitive content. Just click on the cog on the right of the content and set the date range. Any content that doesn't have the green arrow next to it is not active.

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Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

Ohhh....thank you so much! This is all new to me

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Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?


What is the definition of Exhausted? Does it mean the lead has received the email offering the content + also downloaded the content (in our case we measure downloaded=filled out web form) - OR- does Exhausted mean something else? I can't find a true definition in the Product Docs.

Level 8

Re: Nurture Question - Content Exhausted?

Exhausted means a lead has received all the content in a particular stream and thus won't be receiving any new content unless you add new content to the stream.