Nurture Program Stream Running

Level 2

Nurture Program Stream Running

Is there a way you can exclude holidays from a nurture program that streams every two weeks? Or will you have to go in and just turn it off?

Level 8 - Community Advisor

Re: Nurture Program Stream Running

Hi @amyvoigt_PBC ,

Are you referring to weekends (sat & sun) or to a public holiday.

If its weekend yes you can set your stream cadence to run on a specific day of every 2 weeks.




Level 3

Re: Nurture Program Stream Running

In addition to @uditmathur 's comment, you can pause and resume your nurture for specific holiday days/weeks through:
1: using "Program Status" set to OFF, then switch back to ON when ready to resume. here is a Marketo Doc: Turn an Engagement Program On and Off | Adobe Marketo Engage
2: Smart campaign - here is a document to set it up: Solved: Pausing engagement stream content from casting out... - Marketing Nation (

Level 5 - Champion

Re: Nurture Program Stream Running

Were you able to apply the exclusion?


Marketo doesn’t provide any in-house feature to create custom calendars for skipping emails during public holidays, but we can build a solution using custom logic. Thinking out loud here so choose what suits your requirements if you are still struggling 🙂


1. Custom integration between Google or Outlook Calendar with Marketo using Zapier. A trigger can start your Zap and run the workflow.

2. Use a custom field for Holiday dates and store Yes for holidays and no for business days. But this would need manual monitoring.

3. Use Date Token in the wait step to match the next email send date with a list of predefined holidays. For example:



4. Use a velocity token for storing the list of holiday dates. The benefit of this is you can expand the holidays array to include more dates or even different holidays depending on regions.

5. Manually managing public holidays you want to skip via wait steps which again requires regular monitoring.
