Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

Level 10

Re: Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

Dear all,

I created 2 pages, one traced and one untraced, no more code errors :

Both of them have the leadID token to check whether we are recognized or not.

If one goes to the first (traced) one and fills out the form, and gets to the second, untraced one, he/she is recognized before the cookie is cleansed. but if then you reload any of the 2 pages, as the cookie is cleansed, you are not recognized any longer.

Is there any possibility to clean the cookie before the visitor is recognized ?

I already tried to set the "Cookie cleanser" at the very top of the untraced page, to no avail.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

Is there any possibility to clean the cookie before the visitor is recognized ?

Not in the LP context, because you're clearing the cookie using JS and JS only fires after the document is loaded.  And visitors to an LP are known based on the cookie sent to Marketo when the document is requested.  You'll always be one step behind, as you noted.

The situation is different for embedded forms, because you can clear the cookie before the form is requested into the page.

For fully untracked LPs you might think about [a] using a dedicated domain ( that never loads Munchkin, ever.  Then there won't be any confusion about whether a cookie is lingering.  Or flip it around and [b] hard-code your cookie domain to instead of  Then use a path under www ( for any pages you want tracked while subdomains like are untracked (you would have to use a proxy server to make this work, but I'm kinda used to that ),

Level 10

Re: Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

Thanks Sanford Whiteman​, this is very clear.

I had got to the second domain idea, but your confirmation is good to know and it's easy to do.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

Yes, a form is on the page.  I decided to move this script out of the template and added it as an HTML block on the landing page.  Since this block of code does get placed AFTER the form, there are no longer any errors.  Thanks again, Sanford.

Level 10

Re: Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

Hi all,

Development is nice, but using built-in features will be better.

Hence this idea :


Level 2

Re: Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

This is an awesome thread. I have a couple of questions:

1) What is a good way in y'alls opinion to test out whether or not you have made the page untrackable?

2) If I understand correctly - the 'untrackable' sentiment really refers to cookies/munchkin - and things like trigger campaigns, etc. will work just fine. I just want to make sure of that - if anybody could confirm?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Non-trackable landing page is still identifying me

2) If I understand correctly - the 'untrackable' sentiment really refers to cookies/munchkin - and things like trigger campaigns, etc. will work just fine. I just want to make sure of that - if anybody could confirm?

"Untrackable" is probably an overly generic term.

When discussing a form, it means submitting the form does not result in Munchkin session re/association with the submitting leadThe Filled Out Form activity is still logged and the lead updated/inserted.

When discussing a web page, it should mean viewing the web page does not result in a Visited Web Page activity. But unfortunately in this thread we're using the form definition... while talking about "the landing page." (I'm guilty of this, not pointing the finger at anyone.)

When discussing a link in a web page, it means clicking the link does not result in a Clicked Link in Web Page activity.

When discussing a link in an email, it typically means clicking the link does not result in a Clicked Email activity, nor does it result in Munchkin session re/association from the subsequent Visited Web Page activity  These two (in)actions can actually be decoupled so only the first applies, but usually are not.

Obviously these cases can all be intermingled depending on what you need.

1) What is a good way in y'alls opinion to test out whether or not you have made the page untrackable?

Assuming you actually mean the form given my rundown above, depends on how technical you are.  I would watch the network tab to see that the POST to /save2 doesn't include the cookie.