Non-Marketo domain from email addresses

Not applicable

Non-Marketo domain from email addresses

Was not quite sure what subject to give this question.

We have a specific team of sales reps that use a different email domain from our standard company domain which is connected to Marketo. They have requested that I update their email address in Salesforce to this new domain which means that will be their from/reply-to email address in Marketo as well.

Does anyone know if this will cause any issues with Marketo being able to send email?
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Level 10

Re: Non-Marketo domain from email addresses

Are you asking about sending email through sales insight?

Not applicable

Re: Non-Marketo domain from email addresses

Not SI specifically but in general are there any issues with the lead owner's email domain being different than the domain connected to Marketo.
Level 10

Re: Non-Marketo domain from email addresses

If the email is being sent from Marketo, you can edit the "From" and "Reply-to" addresses from the email editor itself.

If the email is being sent through Sales Insight, the email will have the "From" and "Reply-to" address set to the value of the Salesforce User Email Address field by default. You can change this setting in the Admin > Sales Insight tab to be a different email address field that is present on the Salesforce user. It will work if your reps change their Salesforce User Email Address but there may be a brief period where a sync will need to occur before the change has propogated. After they change their email address, make sure to send a test to ensure the change was processed.