Newsletter clickrate tracking on forwarded emails

Level 1

Newsletter clickrate tracking on forwarded emails



Creating a newsletter to be sent out to our field.  We are wondering if the email containing the newsletter gets forwarded and the person receiving the email clicks on any of the links contained in that newsletter will that be tracked? 


Thank you!



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Newsletter clickrate tracking on forwarded emails

Yes, they will be tracked but to the original recipient of the email.


It’s for this reason that you want to encourage recipients to use the Forward to Friend feature instead of clicking Forward in their email client. Getting people to use F2F is a tough slog, but mentioning “to protect your privacy...” may help.

Level 1

Re: Newsletter clickrate tracking on forwarded emails

Yes: Email performance metrics, including clicks, are recorded from forwarded emails.

However bear in mind that a new Marketo record is not created for forwarded emails, and all of those metrics will be attributed to the original recipient. If you are fine-tracking a specific company or lead that forwards their newsletter, you may find some secondary metrics/reports' data being polluted by forwarded traffic.