Re: New Members to a SFDC Campaign

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New Members to a SFDC Campaign

Hi All - I'm trying to create a smart list in the lead database that contains people that were added to a SFDC campaign within the last 30 days. There's a filter for "member of SFDC campaign", but not a constraint that says "in past", "Member First Associated Date" , or "Member Status Update Date". Any ideas?
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Re: New Members to a SFDC Campaign

I wonder if the "SFDC Created Date" constraint is for the date they were added, the date the campaign was created, or the date the lead was created. It seems like the date they were added would make the most sense and probably work for your scenario.
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Re: New Members to a SFDC Campaign

That's a good question. I'll see if support can help confirm that. Thanks for the help!
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Re: New Members to a SFDC Campaign

We created (in SFDC) a Member First Associated field on the Campaign Member object. It's allowed for some great additions to our SFDC dashboards 🙂
Level 2

Re: New Members to a SFDC Campaign

can you also use this field for reporting in Marketo? For instance, if you have a batch of leads that someone neglected to add to a campaign, and then added them in 6 months later, then using the default campaign membership dates would not work.