Re: NetSuite Interesting Moments and Marketo Form Submissions

Level 2

NetSuite Interesting Moments and Marketo Form Submissions

Currently on NetSuite, in the Marketo tab syncs with the lead's Interesting Moments. One of these moments is when they will visit a page and fills out a Marketo form.

Is there a way to sync the contents of what they filled out in the form to the lead record/interesting moment on NetSuite?

Also is there a way to automatically create a record of the work flow for this task on NetSuite or edit the existing "Marketo Activity" for this moment to log the progression of this task?

Would anything have to be changed in the Marketo form in order for NetSuite to be able to capture this information?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: NetSuite Interesting Moments and Marketo Form Submissions

You should move the question to Products​...  "Community" is for issues with the Marketo Nation (this website) itself, and yes, this is confusing!

When creating an IM, you can add {{Trigger.Tokens}} and {{Lead.Tokens}}. Is that what you mean?

Level 2

Re: NetSuite Interesting Moments and Marketo Form Submissions

Sorry if that was confusing, lets hope this clarifies what I want to achieve and convey better.

Currently with the integration between the two systems, when a lead fills out a form it will create a new "Marketo Activity" under the "Marketo" tab within NetSuite on the person's lead record.

Their actions are broken up two activities: one is visited the page where the Marketo form is used, the other is filled out form.

Right now, I want to take the "comments" they typed in the form, and have it appear under the desired field in NetSuite.

Basically, I want to take the information that was captured in the Marketo form, then display it in their NetSuite lead record under the "Filled Out Form" activity or another applicable field.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: NetSuite Interesting Moments and Marketo Form Submissions

Sounds like you're talking about Marketo NS Activity Sync, not Interesting Moments.IM text is customizable at the point of creation.

I'm not directly familiar with the NetSuite integration, but since this isn't possible on the SFDC side it would be surprising if there were any way to customize the "above the fold" format of the Filled Out Form activity when passed to NetSuite 

Then again, I'm not clear on why the Comments field itself -- ideally, you make this a continuous history field with all the lead's comments, not just their most recent comment -- isn't being synced so that Sales can just see it in that field in NS.  Have you chosen not to sync that field?

Level 2

Re: NetSuite Interesting Moments and Marketo Form Submissions

Thank you Sandford for replying so quickly to my inquires.

I haven't been able to figure out how the two platforms sync yet. But in regards, to the comments fields, how can I check/change the field to be a continuous history field?

The comments field on the form is meant to help capture the any comments or inquires the lead may have, so having it as a continuous field would be helpful.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: NetSuite Interesting Moments and Marketo Form Submissions

To add a continuous history field, you set up a separate textarea field and then use Change Data Value to append to it, Continuous Comments = {{lead.latest comments}}{{lead.continuous comments}}.

It's also way easier to read if you add a line break between the comment sections, as I describe here: