Hi Josh,
It still is not allowing me to approve. No I did not clone the email into the test. How do you go about doing that? I am confused on how this works with two emails.
Ok. I think I have it figured out. Based on Josh's mention about cloning, I pressed the orange Clone button. This cloned that email and placed it in the test group.
Now I have one challenger email outside of the champion email with the test group and one challenger email inside of the test group. Does that sound correct?
If so, what do you do with the challenger email outside of the test group after it was cloned into the test group? It essentially isn't going to be used right?
If you declare the challenger as the winner does it take the cloned version or the original?
So what it is looking like to me is this:
How you should do it?
How I was doing it:
Hi Nate,
Last time I tried, I could clone any email to generate the email #2, not necessarily the #1.
Hi Greg,
Thanks you for your response and you are right Greg. I got it to work finally. I don't know what the issue was. Marketo was acting up.