Re: Multiple Social Media Tags?

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Multiple Social Media Tags?

During the Marketo tutorials- it shows the ability to drag social marketing bars into an email. 

Our company has 6 different social media accounts- is there a way to create options as to which social media bar we want to drag over? Or can there only be one social media bar?
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Re: Multiple Social Media Tags?

With the Social Sharing app, you can only have a combination of 3 Social Buttons with analytics (FB, LI and twitter) and or you can have the 4 Like/Recommend Buttons without analytics ((FB, LI. Twitter and Google+).  If you want the analytics, but also want G+, you can add the 3 buttons with analytics and separately add the Like/Recommend Button for G+, but it will not have analytics.
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Re: Multiple Social Media Tags?

That is very useful to know! However, instead of 6 different types of social media outlets, I meant to refer to 6 twitter accounts, 6 facebook pages, and 6 LinkedIn pages- do you know if it is possible to have multiple 3 Social Button Combinations with analytics?