Re: Multiple programs, cadence and members help

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Multiple programs, cadence and members help

I have setup 4 nurture programs for 4 products. We have contacts that might be in all 4 based on certain filters of whether they are a current user of said product. I have set up each program to email on Tues every other week. We have a communication limit of 1/day - 2/week. So my question is, will (if a member of multiple programs) the contact get the first email from Program 1 today, then from Program 2 in 2 weeks? Etc?

Basically, I need to know if I should set the first cast to incremental dates in between each other so that overall cadence is one email per week, covering the whole spectrum of products.

Or does the system go like this? Sends Program 1 - Email 1 - - Does not send Program 2 - Email 1 because comm limit has been reached. Will send Program 2 - Email 1 on next cast in 2 weeks? Or is this in an infinite loop that only Program 1 ever gets sent?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Multiple programs, cadence and members help

For a regular email send, Marketo will block the email to that lead if the lead reached the Communication Limit. It does not know how to re-send later.

I am pretty sure this is the case in Engagement Program as well if you are using straight emails in the Stream. The only time it would re-send is if you dropped in a duplicate email or removed the email and put it back in.

So in your case, you should stagger the cadences and Start date to reduce the chances for collision. In general, you should only have 1 lead in 1 engagement to avoid oversending.