A customer who has downloaded a whitepaper from via a form submission on one of our Marketo landing pages has received multiple trigger emails, and has continued to do so ever since that first form submission.
Looking at the activity log there are intermittent multiple form submissions (which are triggering the confirmation email send - not shown in image below, I've suspended customer's email address while investigating).
Seems that the form submission appears to be stuck in some kind of a loop.
Anyone experienced this behaviour before and any clue as to the possible cause?
Looks to be an isolated case. Landing page is same set-up as usual and haven't seen any other such incidents.
And the URL, please....
Don't see any JS that's causing a loop here. Have you tried replaying the form post w/the same field values and the same email address (and same browser version, importantly)?
IP address checks out fine and still the form submissions continue.
I've replicated the form post using same details and same browser version (User Agent string below) but I don't get the same issue.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko.
Mkto support are suggesting it's a bot causing this and propose setting up a honeypot or captcha on the form.
I'll keep digging.
"fine"? Don't know what that means.
Question is whether it's the same IP address used for what you believe was the first, legitimate form post. You said the customer filled out the form legitimately. Is this actually true, or are they all bot submissions?
Customer's IP address from the initial form fill that triggered this chain of activities is the same IP address from the same customer's historic (and legitimate) interactions.
It has remained constant through all the recorded form submissions.
The form post was legitimate too...it was the customer who flagged the issue after she completed the form and ended up with 14 follow-up trigger emails in her inbox.
I am experiencing the same issue, but this is with an employee record. My coworker is a Marketo user and I trust her when she says she didn't fill out the form 3 times - I have an open ticket with support.
My URL is: http://discover.intouchhealth.com/intouch-health-new-consumer-solution-2018-01-30-registration.htm
Do the form fills come in at exactly the same timestamp?
What's the User-Agent on those events?
They come in at different times over a few hours. According to Support they come in from a two different IP addresses. It's very strange.