Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

Level 2

Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

Hi All,

Need a quick suggestion or help for our Marketo instance where we have separate workspaces for different companies we own and a single lead partition. We want to send an invitation email and we included "View as webpage" link. So now the issue is when we click on that link in our email client, first we see our domain on landing page(i think that is coming from email brand domain settings) and then it redirects to other company domain and cname. So I checked into Landing page details and it showed the the cname and domain is setup for the second company account. So my question will be how to create a new domain or basically looking forward to a solution where I can get the domain name correct for all LPs inside our workspace.

Looking forward for an answer on the same and open to discuss any further details.


Mohit Khanna

Level 10

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

Hi Mohit,

You can add as many domains as you want, using the "domain alias" feature. This is available in the admin -> landing pages , than clicking on "Rules" tab, and new-> domain alias. The prerequsite to adding a domain here is that the cname for this domain has been set in the DNS, similarly to the CNAME that was set for the primary domain. Read this : Add Additional Landing Page CNAMEs - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation

Once an additional domain has been set, every landing page becomes available in every domain. You cannot set a link between domains and workspaces, though, so the LP default URL will always be in the default domain. Read this :


Level 2

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces


Thank you for solving my some queries. So now can you please help me to streamline a procedure with necessary steps to get the right domain name in the link?

What required: if user clicks on View as webpage in our brand email, the webpage should have our domain with brand name. for e.g

Current scenario: the link redirects to and in Marketo LP settings says domain name as

I will be really thankful if I can get the right direction to proceed

Level 10

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

if the domain set in LP settings is, then why adding www. in front of it in the email link ? Just remove this an it will work. is your domain. is a sub domain, as well as

The domain you have for your LP and that you should use in your email links, is based on the CNAME, nothing to add, nothing to remove.


Level 2

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces


I am still not sure of the discussion. To give you more clear picture. I have following:

One marketo instance

     Two Workspace for two companies

          Default landing page settings have domain name and fallback page as per first company.

Now i have one email created in second company workspace and included view as webpage link, now that link to webpage going to our default first company domain and cname.

I dont want to redirect this thing as there are two different companies. What I am looking for all default links like view as webpage and unsubscribe should go to respective urls as per workspaces


Mohit Khanna

Level 10

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

Hi Mohit,

OK, I understand better. And I am afraid that you cannot do this. The view as webpage of emails will always show up in your default domain. That would be worth an idea, I would vote for it.


Level 10

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

The idea is here:

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

The view as webpage of emails will always show up in your default domain. That would be worth an idea, I would vote for it.

You can always include your own token for the viewAsWebPage link and point it to the preferred domain.  The pattern is consistent:

Level 2

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

Hi Stanford,

Including token in viewAsWebPage will be done on Admin side or in respective email? If Admin end, then will it changes for all the viewAsWebPage link cross the instance?



Level 10

Re: Multiple domains required basis different worspaces

You cannot do it in the admin, that would change i for the whole instance.

The best way is to do it at email template level or, better yet, to do it using snippets.
