I've been working with a client on this situation. Generally I would say to keep it as simple as possible. offer people Channels if possible: Newsletter, Webinar, Events, Promos.
If you do have tons of variations, then you can try to build what you want:
If Then Choices do exist in Forms 2.0 and you can easily set that up. It's possible that your variations might work better if you had jquery and programmed it outside of Marketo using the API. If you actually have 100 different email possibilities, then I'd go with jquery. Marketo choice steps might be difficult to setup with that many.
Use Segmentations: if you have 10 personas, you could tell the page to display a different form for each, with a default form for anyone not identified properly. Doing it this way and having Choices, will allow you to use ONE LINK for your entire email system.
Setup separate pages for each persona, which will require separate Email Templates + Pages. Doable, could get messy eventually...because it requires your team to be diligent about using the right Template and naming schemes.