Re: Muchin Code Tracking - Lead Details

Level 2

Muchin Code Tracking - Lead Details

We've been tracking lead activity across our members and prospects. It seems that some of our members have lengthy website information stored, however, for others, there is no data. We know they have been on the website because they have recently made a purchase and that information is getting recorded in the profiles through an API. 

We use the munchin code on all pages, and we know it's working because we have seen the pages reported in other lead activity feeds. 

I'm looking for input on situations when the muchin code won't track an individuals web activity and why. Is it a user-specific setting? Is it a browser or app that prevents the data collection? 

Any info is helpful. 


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Muchin Code Tracking - Lead Details

'most any anti-tracking feature or plugin (Ghostery et al.) will cause Munchkin to abort on the client side. The native Do Not Track setting (DNT) header will cause Munchkin requests to be ignored on the server.

Both of these result in no Visit Web Page or Click Link activity.

Level 2

Re: Muchin Code Tracking - Lead Details

Thank you, this is very helpful particularly the "click link" info.