Modify previous lead score updates

Level 4

Modify previous lead score updates

After several months of scoring leads, we have determined we were giving too many points for certain demographics/behaviors.

Is it possible to retroactively update the scores we gave? For example, we gave a lead +20 points two months ago when they filled out a form. We would like to change that to only be +10 points instead.

What's the best practice for doing this?
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Re: Modify previous lead score updates

I have been asked to look into the same thing! Following...
Level 10

Re: Modify previous lead score updates

Hey Anthony and Alisa, if they're all members of a specific campaign, then you could run a smart campaign that says: 

If Member of Smart Campaign is "your form scoring campaign", then Change Data Value "your score" -10.

If they're not changed in a specific campaign then it'll be a little trickier, but if you can outline how the scores are given then we might be able to provide some ideas. 

edit: Not a Change Data Value, but a Change Score flow step 🙂
Level 4

Re: Modify previous lead score updates


We do have separate smart campaigns for each lead scoring rule, so they are all in fact members of the same smart campaign.

Previously I was asking if it was possible to change an old score update from +20 to only +10, but what you're suggesting is that we just subtract 10 points today. Seems like it will have the same effect.

Level 10

Re: Modify previous lead score updates

Yes, you can absolutely change the score from +20 to +10. And then if you want to make it retroactive, I'd do what Dory suggested with the -10 for those that have already run through.

Level 4

Re: Modify previous lead score updates

Hi Kim,

When you say that we can change the score from +20 to +10, you are just referring to changing the active flow step so that the change is effective for the future, right?

For retroactive updates, the only way is to subtract points, correct?
