Re: mkt_tok in test email & actual email

Level 5

mkt_tok in test email & actual email

While waiting for the response from the support team, I'd like to hear from my peers here.

I had an email asset with a link that has mtk_tok enabled; the link worked properly during the test, meaning the link opened. Believing the test result, we sent out the email, and many responded to us "the link isn't working". I realized that the length of the mkt_tok is significantly different (60 more chars, to be precise) so that the page has returned 414 error (URL too long). 

Though there seems to be some resolutions on the website server end, I wonder if somebody else noticed this before. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: mkt_tok in test email & actual email

This is a misconfiguration of your webserver. Not sure what else to say, except it's not a sign of a mature web team that they would set a URL length limit below real-world needs. What are they trying to solve exactly? Is the webserver code actually vulnerable to an overflow attack?

Level 5

Re: mkt_tok in test email & actual email

I know what needs to be fixed on the web server end  My question was if anybody has noticed the length of mkt-tok changes between test and actual emails. Maybe not a big deal for many people though. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: mkt_tok in test email & actual email

Yes, there are also differences between the View As Web Page mkt_tok and others. 

Level 6

Re: mkt_tok in test email & actual email

On a side note, I highly recommend testing your emails as a recipient to ensure you're testing real-world scenarios and not defaults prior to launching a campaign. You can do this by previewing the email as a recipient and/or sending yourself a test as that person(s). 


Level 1

Re: mkt_tok in test email & actual email

I'm wondering if your suggestion to use "previewing the email as a recipient" would allow me to test a landing page with a form where the pre-fill option is enabled. I tried using the send sample email and it didn't seem to generate the pre-fill. 


It was only when I did an actual email send using a smart campaign that the form is pre-filled. Is that expected behaviour?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: mkt_tok in test email & actual email

It was only when I did an actual email send using a smart campaign that the form is pre-filled. Is that expected behaviour?

Yes, it is.