Micorsoft Dynamic CRM Integration with Marketo

Level 4

Micorsoft Dynamic CRM Integration with Marketo

I want to integrate the Microsoft Dynamic CRM with Marketo for new business vertical however the current Marketo account is already sync with Salesforce CRM.

is there any workaround to sync two CRM with Marketo account i.e. via custom API method? have anyone done this before and what are the key points to be consider before starting this custom integration between Microsoft Dynamic CRM and Marketo

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Level 10

Re: Micorsoft Dynamic CRM Integration with Marketo

Yes, this has been done before, but this is certainly a complex undertaking. You might need help from an experienced agency and/or a platform that serves as your integration middleware and orchestration layer. I've had great experiences with Vertify e.g.




I assume you won't find definitive answers here in this forum. Topic is too complex for a community thread.

Level 3

Re: Micorsoft Dynamic CRM Integration with Marketo

Hi @Jay00031987 , 

Agreeing with @Michael_Florin . One callout: Since your Marketo instance already has a native integration in place with Salesforce, the Opportunity API is available as read-only (not write). When integrating the second CRM, you will likely have to create custom objects to replicate functionality that you are looking for.