Merge Duplicate Leads XML/Soap help

Not applicable

Merge Duplicate Leads XML/Soap help


I really want to be able to use the merge leads (mergeleads) functionality developed/shown in the Developers area in Marketo (  I understand a lot of the xml and creating this, but I really struggle with generating the request signature and submitting this.  I was wondering if anyone has written a better guide on how to achieve this or even has a solution pre-built which they could share.  Ideally an end to end solution but any support would be appreciated as we have very little developer support but a lot of data.


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Level 4

Re: Merge Duplicate Leads XML/Soap help

Can you provide more details? Specifially, what development environment are you using: PHP, Java, Ruby, .Net, etc.?
Level 10

Re: Merge Duplicate Leads XML/Soap help

Simon, have you looked at using the REST API? The authentication for the REST API is a lot easier and the REST API will continue to get new features. For example, with the upcoming release, it will be possible to specify multiple merges in a single API call. Here is the current documentation:
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Re: Merge Duplicate Leads XML/Soap help

Jep, thank you for this, I took a look but from what I can see the rest API will only do one merge at a time, not allow you to set up an entire list?

Chris, thank you for your reply, I understand how to generate an XML with all the leads in and using Postman to send them, but I do not understand how to generate the Signature/security fields so that Marketo accepts what I am sending.

Level 10

Re: Merge Duplicate Leads XML/Soap help

Simon, the multiple merge functionality for REST will be available next Friday (March 27th). 
Not applicable

Re: Merge Duplicate Leads XML/Soap help

Hi Jep,

Thank you for posting this, I did not see the multiple merger mentioned in the latest release notes, do you know if it is still being made available?

