Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

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Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

Is there a way to score based on "contains" where multiple words exist in the URL? For example, all of our on-demand webinars have the following URL string "/webinars/[webinar name]/watch"

I want to include anyone who visits a URL with /webinars AND /watch. Is there a way to create a trigger off of this?
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Re: Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

can you do a Visited Web Page filter, with an added constraint for Querystring contains? In order to do AND, you'd have to do two Visited Web Page filters, each with a Querystring constraint.
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Re: Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

Would that work since the URL doesn't actually contain a querystring?
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Re: Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

oh right, don't use querystring -- can you just do two Web Page contains filters?

so one for web page contains /webinar


web page contains /watch
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Re: Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

Unfortunately no, that will include anyone who visited a URL that contains /webinar and a URL that contains /watch. We use "/watch" for other things other than webinars, and we have "/webinars" on other pages that I don't want to trigger a score.
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Re: Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

Ah that stinks. You might just have to use visit web page and list all of your webinar watch URLs.

Or maybe you can just put in a querystring parameter to the end of your watch links on your website which could uniquley flag a webinar watch, then you could trigger off of that.
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Re: Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

Yeah, I talked to our web team and we're going to slightly modify the URLs.
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Re: Scoring based on mulitiple words in the page visit URL

I'm visiting this thread two years too late, but if you trigger on the web page visit with a condition of "contains /webinar" and then have a filter of "contains /watch", you (or whoever else find this in search years from now) should get the desired result.