To keep our lead data clean in Marketo, I've created a smart list called "Stale Leads" that contains any lead that hasn't been synced with our CRM within the past 30 days. This could be for various reasons but those are out of scope.
Let's say we have 100,000 total leads in Marketo and the smart list above returns 70,000 leads on Monday. Is there a way to create one campaign that uses this list to perform a set of tasks up to 20,000 leads? The end result I would want is that on Monday, 20,000 out of 70,000 leads are processed. On Tuesday, I would want the next 20,000, and etc. Keep in mind that additional leads might become stale so the progression could be something as follows:
Monday: 70,000 leads in list and 20,000 are processed.
Tuesday: 51,000 leads in list and 20,000 are processed. (20,000 gone from Monday to 1,000 new)
Wednesday: 34,000 leads in list and 20,000 are processed. (20,000 gone from Tuesday to 3,000 new)
Thursday: 14,000 leads in list and 14,000 are processed (less than 20 left).
Initially I used the random sample in my campaign. Then I realized that it would never do all the contacts ... just x% of the total list. What I really need is a filter "Max number" that lets me set an upper threshold such as 20,000 that will process up to that number per campaign.
Since such a filter does not exist, has anyone been able to accomplish something similiar to this without using static lists? On a weekly basis, I could have a campaign that divides the 70,000 into four/five static lists and then use a different list each day during the week but that sounds like overkill to me.
Thank you.