This is a weird, but frustrating issue. Marketo tokens with velocity scripts don't work if they are plugged into an email template rather than the Email Editor. I wanted to hard code a send date for my UTM tags since otherwise everyone seems to either not set it or come up with some random date format. Normal, non-custom tokens seems to work just fine, but not ones based on a script.
Token: {{my.YYMMDD}}
Velocity Script: $date.get('yy_M_d')
Works if added in Email Editor 2.0
Does not work if put into email template (it changes in the url string to ${my.vYYMMDD_1})
I'm wondering if anyone knows a way around this? Some way to format the {{}} to be Google UTM friendly (no spaces).
You need to make sure you're emitting the entire fully-formed <a> tag from the Velocity token. You can't reliably interpolate a Velocity {{my.token}} into an <a> that's outside of Velo.
Also: don't use Date or Calendar objects in Velocity without using a timezone. It'll cause subtle breakage. See here for some guidelines:
In this instance there is no <a> tag, just a text date generated by the script. I didn't know about that timezone issue though so I'll try that and see if it starts working.
Yes, try it with the proper tz awareness.
Also I'd recommend using ISO standard yyyy-MM-dd, as that can be parsed by any programming language as need be.