Re: Marketo Token Create API call throw 709 Business Rule Violation Error

Level 2

Re: Marketo Token Create API call throw 709 Business Rule Violation Error

Thank you so much for your input! This definitely raises a red flag in our current design. 

Level 2

Re: Marketo Token Create API call throw 709 Business Rule Violation Error

Hello again! Would you know if marketo supports creating/updating email script tokens via the UI?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Token Create API call throw 709 Business Rule Violation Error

This is a quite surprising question because the way everyone creates Email Script (Velocity) tokens is via the UI, in the Program » My Tokens tab.

Level 1

Re: Marketo Token Create API call throw 709 Business Rule Violation Error

I have been following this thread  with much interest and has the same concern. If the developer does not want  to create email scripts( velocity) directly in the UI  and would would like  to use the token api,  which datatype should they use, since script block was deprecated.

Do you see any design problems with this approach? Does Marketo in the future has plans to expose the api that allow developers to send a custom velocity script token via api to email programs residing in Marketo.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Token Create API call throw 709 Business Rule Violation Error

Why don't you explain exactly what your business case is? That may give insight into other ways to do it.


Injecting VTL code via the API is far from a typical need. 

Level 1

Re: Marketo Token Create API call throw 709 Business Rule Violation Error

Business cased removed