Marketo Salesforce Sync

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Marketo Salesforce Sync

Does anyone know what best practices are if you have a campaign that has a list with records already in Marketo and remaining records not in Marketo. If I import the net new it may during the Salesforce/Marketo sync create duplicates in Salesforce.


What I usually do is one I get the full list of records to use in a campaign I create a smart list under that program and using email address filters I enter the email addresses by batches of 2,000 per filter. I use the 'use ANY filters' and then go on people tab and see which records are in Marketo. I then export that list, dedupe it in excel and then paste the original list on that excel spreadsheet and use conditional formatting to locate the duplicates highlighted in red. I then remove the duplicates and find the net new that way.


Is there a faster process?


I then take the net new and enter them in the campaign through the salesforce campaign tab so that if they exist in Salesforce they will then just sync to Marketo. Since I only am checking the net new, if they don't exist in Salesforce then it will create a new lead and then sync to marketo and create a new record.


Is there another way to do this while NOT creating duplicates that is safe and won't create duplicates?






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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Salesforce Sync

Why do you have certain SFDC-only records? OOTB sync creates new person records with the correct SFDC Type in Marketo that are present/created in SFDC. Do you have any other use case(s) that need you to have certain records in SFDC only? Even with your current process, you'd end up with records with the same email address in your CRM and Marketo which aren't synced with each other, and in the future, if you sync these people over, you'd end up with duplicate records. IMO, it's best to import the list post-syncing at least those people over to Marketo that are present in your CSV to avoid the duplicate issue now/in the future when you sync records over.


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Salesforce Sync

Why do you have certain SFDC-only records? OOTB sync creates new person records with the correct SFDC Type in Marketo that are present/created in SFDC. Do you have any other use case(s) that need you to have certain records in SFDC only? Even with your current process, you'd end up with records with the same email address in your CRM and Marketo which aren't synced with each other, and in the future, if you sync these people over, you'd end up with duplicate records. IMO, it's best to import the list post-syncing at least those people over to Marketo that are present in your CSV to avoid the duplicate issue now/in the future when you sync records over.


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Salesforce Sync

I agree with @Darshil_Shah1 that keeping a group of people in SFDC that do not sync to Marketo should not be decided lightly, as it does cause issues exactly like you describe. That being said, assuming you are syncing your Marketo program with a SFDC campaign, it could be worth considering to upload your list into SFDC and add them to your campaign there. Whth the campaign and its members syncing, people will be added to your Marketo program too.