Re: Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

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Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

Hi all,

A sales rep at my company has been using the Marketo Sales Insights plugin to track emails to and from prospects/customers. He noticed recently with a few different individuals that whenever he opens an email that he sent to those prospects, Marketo is tracking that as an "Opened" activity within the Marketo Sales Insights widget in SFDC under those leads/contacts.

Has anyone else ever had this problem? Is there a way to correct it? I'd hate for him to have incorrect open/sent stats due to this incorrect tracking.



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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

Level 4

Re: Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

Hi Jasmine,

Are we sure this isn't coincidence and the lead is opening it too? Is he cc'ing himself on the communications through the Outlook plugin or including himself on the list of leads through Salesforce?

Ensure if it's through the Outlook plugin he's only putting one address in the To: address bar a time. The Open or Clicked activity can only be registered by the unique cookie ID on the lead's browser so MSI can't register the lead as an Open if it's on the Sales User's browser.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

Ensure if it's through the Outlook plugin he's only putting one address in the To: address bar a time. The Open or Clicked activity can only be registered by the unique cookie ID on the lead's browser

Opens don't use cookies -- all the identifying info about the lead is present in the URI of the tracking pixel. Hence whoever opens that email will log the open to the intended recipient's lead record.

Clicks (as in Clicked Email activities) also don't use cookies..

Only true web activities (Visited Web Page and Clicked Link) use cookies.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

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Re: Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

Thanks for the helpful responses, everyone. To clarify, he's using the Gmail plugin - not Outlook, although the issue seems to be the same. Classic scenario (apparently) of opening the already sent email in the Sent folder and it's triggering an 'open' response. I asked if he had also cc'ed or bcc'ed himself, or tracked it to anyone other than the lead, and it doesn't seem to be the case. I think the Outlook scenario Sanford mentioned is what's happening here as well. Bummer!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Sales Insights plugin incorrectly tracking?

Yeah... tough one to solve. As Sent Items represent the actual, generated email then they have to react just as they would when the recipient opens them.