Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

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Level 5

Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working



In the sample email, token is rendering fine. If  I'm sending from Marketo campaigns, tokens are not getting rendered.


And, when I have cloned the same program and tested the emails, and the tokens are working fine even when we're sending from Marketo campaigns.


Sometime token are working or sometime not, it's like on and off, not able to understand why it's happening, even we checked everything at the HTML level and all are fine there too.


Any suggestion will be very helpful.





Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

I can’t think of a reason why this would happen apart from the glitch in the back-end, this is little wierd for sure! And essentially,  everything works as is it should in the email preview, send sample, and when the email is sent via a cloned program' SC.


Do you encounter this issue when you create a new campaign under the same program and send emails from it (unlike cloning the entire program, and then sending from the campaign within the cloned pgm)? This’ll help us determine if the issue is just with the single campaign within the program or is it with the entire program itself in the first place!

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

That is strange! Do you see the default token value (if added) or no value at all i.e., is it like token hasn't been added in the first place?


Are you able to see the token value populating in the email preview?


Level 3

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

Hi @Jasbir_Kaur 


Additionally, I would like you to check if the send smart campaign resides outside of your local program/folder where the tokens are created or inherited if yes, then the tokens values will not render in your emails!

If your send smart campaign is within a program where tokens are defined and still the tokens are not rendering, then you might need to connect with Marketo support.


Thanks and regards,

Avinash Jadhav

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

I think if the smart campaign would have been outside the program, it would have also not worked upon cloning the program (i.e., tokens wouldn't have rendered in the email)  - but as per Jasbir's description she was able to get the token values rendered upon cloning out the program.

Level 3

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

Thats true, @Darshil_Shah1 . 🙂 

Level 5

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

Hi @ajavinash & @Darshil_Shah1 


Thank you for your valuable responses.


@Darshil_Shah1 Yes, there is value in the token that's why it's showing in the Marketo preview and when I simply share sample email it's also working, only sending from campaign it's not working.


@ajavinash yes, smart campaign is within the program.









Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

I can’t think of a reason why this would happen apart from the glitch in the back-end, this is little wierd for sure! And essentially,  everything works as is it should in the email preview, send sample, and when the email is sent via a cloned program' SC.


Do you encounter this issue when you create a new campaign under the same program and send emails from it (unlike cloning the entire program, and then sending from the campaign within the cloned pgm)? This’ll help us determine if the issue is just with the single campaign within the program or is it with the entire program itself in the first place!

Level 3

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

It's really weird issue!
As Darshil mentioned re-send the email by creating a new campaign within the program and if the problem still persists then I would request you to open the support ticket.

Level 3

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

And also, try re-creating the email again as a new email (not by cloning) and see if that works! Some time Marketo emails behave weird.

Avinash Jadhav

Level 5

Re: Marketo Program Level Tokens are not working

Thank you guys,


I will create a new smart campaign then check it.


