Marketo Performance (trigger constraints vs filters)

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Marketo Performance (trigger constraints vs filters)

We are working on cleaning up our instance to increase performance (we have experienced issues with slow down which is in part due to inefficiencies in our campaign structure and increased volume) and are looking to change the logic in many of our campaigns.

Something we are unsure of is whether or not moving the trigger logic to filters instead of multiple constraints per trigger would be more efficient (attached the current setup which is only trigger based and the proposed solution which is filter based).




Does anyone know if this will indeed help make our campaigns use fewer resources per trigger or if it is a moot change?


Level 1

Re: Marketo Performance (trigger constraints vs filters)

Thanks for asking - we are having the same issue. I would love to know the best way to optimize triggers. This article helped some: Load Balancing in Marketo and Marketing Automation - Marketing Rockstar Guides

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Performance (trigger constraints vs filters)

You'll get greater visibility - resulting in more active discussion - if you move this thread to the PRODUCTS & SUPPORT > PRODUCT DISCUSSIONS area of the community: Products

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Re: Marketo Performance (trigger constraints vs filters)

I've moved some of my triggers to batches, as suggested in the article referenced in the reply above; but it is less than optimal and have also run into issues doing that, and something I need to continually check-up on, but I guess that's everything. It would be good to know one way or another.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Performance (trigger constraints vs filters)

Either option means that the Trigger Eval Queue has to look at at least ONE of those triggers, if not both. Then it decides to proceed based on the Green Filter, then it goes to the main Queue.

So more triggers=more thinking.

More changes to whatever you want mean more evaluations overall. So be careful what types of triggers and how many.

Not applicable

Re: Marketo Performance (trigger constraints vs filters)

So in reality we only need one of those two changes, and then we check if the other constraints apply (we realize the first setup is looking for activity changes to all of those values, our system does bring down each value again per opportunity update which is why it works in the first place, but we soon won't be).

If you had to pick a setup knowing the value o_prequalback is the only field change we care about, which would you use? We just don't want to reconfig all of our campaigns if the efficiency gain is minimal