Marketo landing page forms NOT showing in IE 11 or Edge

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Marketo landing page forms NOT showing in IE 11 or Edge

We create Marketo landing pages on subdomains and noticed the forms do NOT show up in IE11 (or Edge). We contacted Marketo and their response was that there is customer code in the Template (bootstrap) that could be affecting it, and also that there is custom CSS on the form that could be affecting it. They said it's beyond their scope of support to help with code issues.

So, we created a test template/landing page/form using clones of the ones that didn't work and I did the following:

1. I removed basically EVERYTHING from the Template source code, other than the form code. So there is no longer ANY custom code.

2. I removed ALL Custom CSS from the form

Naturally, the form still doesn't show in IE11 or Edge.

Below is the URL of our now stripped down test form. I will go back to Marketo support with this same info but they are likely to continue to not be helpful.

Anyone see anything that I still might have overlooked?

FWIW, in Edge's console, this error seems to be a problem: SCRIPT438: SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'append'

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo landing page forms NOT showing in IE 11 or Edge

OK, first of all, this doesn't only have problems in IE 11 or Edge. It also doesn't work in Chrome < 50 (at least).

1. I removed basically EVERYTHING from the Template source code, other than the form code. So there is no longer ANY custom code.

That's not true at all. You can easily see that you're still loading custom JavaScript code, and that the error is in that custom code.

You're loading 6 additional remote JS files from within a Rich Text area:

Look closely at the second one, that's where at least one of your bugs originates.

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo landing page forms NOT showing in IE 11 or Edge

OK, first of all, this doesn't only have problems in IE 11 or Edge. It also doesn't work in Chrome < 50 (at least).

1. I removed basically EVERYTHING from the Template source code, other than the form code. So there is no longer ANY custom code.

That's not true at all. You can easily see that you're still loading custom JavaScript code, and that the error is in that custom code.

You're loading 6 additional remote JS files from within a Rich Text area:

Look closely at the second one, that's where at least one of your bugs originates.

Level 1

Re: Marketo landing page forms NOT showing in IE 11 or Edge

Ugh, I removed custom code from the Template, but didn't realize there was other custom code in that Rich Text field in the Form itself. Thanks so much for pointing that out, I really appreciate it. I'll have to figure out now if that bit of JavaScript is necessary and if so, how to rewrite it to work properly.

Thanks again!

Level 1

Re: Marketo landing page forms NOT showing in IE 11 or Edge

Marketo Munchkin VisitWebPage Activity is not showing in Markto Activity for IE11.

Although, visitwebpage request is success.

For other browsers it is working perfect.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo landing page forms NOT showing in IE 11 or Edge

If Munchkin is sending the data to Marketo, it'll be logged regardless of browser.


Are you certain you do not have an anonymous session? What are you doing to ensure the session is associated with a known lead?