Re: Marketo Instance Migration - What to Know

Level 2

Marketo Instance Migration - What to Know

Hello everyone,


We are in the process of working to re-deploying a new Microsoft Dynamics CRM environment later this year, and as a result we are also preparing to set up and transition to a new Marketo instance.


We have been in contact with our CSM with Marketo and they are aware of our project and will assist with standing up the instance, but I'm trying to gather some information on what our team can expect when we get to the point of starting to move our assets, programs, and lead database to our new instance.


Does anyone have any insights into how the process worked for them? When it comes to actually moving assets to the new instance, what does that process look like? How long did you prepare for the transition and how long did the transition take for your team? We're trying to gather insights into what the actual work consists of. 


Please let me know of any clarifying questions and I appreciate the insights!


Thank you,


Level 2

Re: Marketo Instance Migration - What to Know

Hi Alec, 

I am currently working with Adobe on a similar instance migration as a part of MSD CRM cloud migration. 

The process for us was quite intensive due to sheer database, activities, and program database size. However, Adobe professional services team were great to work with and planning the migration.

The program and asset migration are done by scripted migration and Adobe will essentially clone your current instance and build it in a new instance. Having said that, it is an elaborate process as all the configurations, integrations and administrations will be changed and will need to be implemented and tested. Thus, you will need your Marketo Administrators, CRM Administrators to work with Adobe throughout the migration process.

 Potential issue:

  • Depending on the volume of stand and custom object records synced from MSD to Marketo, there can be a long initial sync cycle for migration. 
  • Activity, program membership & Static list membership data migration consumes a lot of rest APIs and can cause downtime for other rest API integrations. 
  • Delta program and asset migration can be only done manually. Once the instance is copied and migrated, the programs and updates made to your old marketo instance in the delta period will need to be migrated manually. 

 When you are planning for a migration, I would suggest keeping a few key things in mind to ensure your process is smooth. 

  1. Database clean-up – Audit your Marketo database and delete any inactive/redundant records, custom entities to keep the database volume to minimum.
  2. Create a Data Dictionary – Data dictionary of all Marketo ONLY, CRM standard object fields and custom entity fields will be very helpful.
  3. Rest API limitation – Depending on the size of your Marketo instance upgrade your Rest API limitations
  4. Delta Migration Log – Keep track of any changes or updates made to your Marketo instance during instance copy/migration period to migrate delta changes to your new instance




Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Instance Migration - What to Know

A good and thorough explanation!

One other thing I would bear in mind is that your activity history in its core will not migrate along. So there might be some work arounds you may want to put in place or some custom activity data that you may want to copy across.

Level 2

Re: Marketo Instance Migration - What to Know

Yes for migrated activity history you may either house them in Marketo custom activities or Datawarehouse 

Level 2

Re: Marketo Instance Migration - What to Know

Hi Malay, 

Thank you for your insights here, they are very helpful! 

If I may ask a few additional questions about your experience so far: 

- What does your direct team look like that is involved with your project? Do you have a team of 3, 5, more than that?

- Did you identify a cut off for programs, campaigns, assets, etc. that would not be transitioned over to your new instance? We're looking migrate only things created or in use in the past 365 days, maybe a little longer but wondering if you put anything like that in place for your project?

- Regarding your support from Adobe professional services - were there additional support costs associated with that relationship? You don't need to speak to specific costs but just trying to understand additional support options we may need. 

Please let me know if you have questions but again I appreciate your input!

Thank you!


Level 2

Re: Marketo Instance Migration - What to Know

Hi Alec,

Please find my comments next to your questions below:

  1. What does your direct team look like that is involved with your project? Do you have a team of 3, 5, more than that? – We have a very big project team as the project involved a lot of different components to be implemented to transition to cloud CRM environment. However, for the Marketo migration initiative you will need the following skillsets in additional to the Adobe professional services/Support team: Marketo Admin/Architect, Dynamic CRM Admin/Architect, Marketo & CRM tester, Business Analyst/change manager and more based on your requirements.
  2. Did you identify a cut off for programs, campaigns, assets, etc. that would not be transitioned over to your new instance? We're looking migrate only things created or in use in the past 365 days, maybe a little longer but wondering if you put anything like that in place for your project? – Yes, we did and there will be 2 types of cut-offs you will need to look at. Firstly, the legacy programs, that will depend on your business requirements and how long back in time you'd like to look at and report on. Generally, any programs created in last 12-18 months can be useful and relevant, but you may have operational or engagement programs running that were built before the cut-off and still could be useful. Thus, you may want to audit the programs that are not relevant and archive/delete them instead of cutting-off based on dates. Second set of cut-off dates will apply when your current instance is copied, and your new instance is provisioned. This could be around 2 months in time where you will be building programs and assets in your current instance and that won't be copied over to your new instance as Adobe can't perform delta instance copy. So you might have to plan for delta program and asset migration towards the end of migration.


  1. Regarding your support from Adobe professional services - were there additional support costs associated with that relationship? You don't need to speak to specific costs but just trying to understand additional support options we may need. – Yes, engaging Adobe professional services would incur some cost based on the size and complexity of the project.


