Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

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Marketo email viewed as web page

Does anyone know if a Marketo email can be viewed as a webpage?

We're dripping out a series of tips. Within each email we want the recipient to be able to view all the tips in one sitting if they want, ie hyperlink to future emails.
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Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

Yes you can add this in the email settings: 

You can edit the text in the Admin Panel > Email 
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Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

Thanks Jeffrey. So the easiest way to obtain the url for an email is to "include view as web page" and test send correct. I'm hoping there's an easier way.
Level 10

Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

If your looking for a way to archive email newsletters and be able to view them by clicking the HTML URL path stored in Marketo?
There is no out of the box functionallity for this.

Further to Jeff's comment, 'Include View as Web Page' will drop english words at the top of your email. If you need to edit these words for localisation across Countries, you must create an email template that allows you to add the words you want and paste the system token.

This article can help you:

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Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

If Marketo emails can be viewed as web pages, which we've established they can, I'm looking for their URL's so I can put hyperlinks on "software tip1" "software tip 2" etc in every drip campaign email a lead receives. Each link goes to a different Marketo email viewed on the web. That way the lead doesn't have to wait 6 weeks to go through the full drip campaign and get all the tips if they don't want to. They can get it all right away and get set up if they are so inclined. Thanks.
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Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

Enable the view as html and send your self a sample email. Then you can copy the link to put on your pages. - Jeff
Level 2

Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

I tried sending myself  sample email, with the "view as a web page" code embedded. But when I copy the link, it still does not allow anyone but the recipient to view it. I, too need a way to make the email viewable as a web page, where the link can be clicked on and viewed by anyone.


Is that even possible? Why would't Marketo have such a feature?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

Is that even possible? Why wouldn't Marketo have such a feature?

Because Marketo has a full-fledged Landing Page builder and what you’re talking about is the same as an LP. 🙂

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

@David_Beasley ,

see the other thread for info on this.


However, there is a broader question in play here.  WHY do you feel your web content should mirror your email content?


Typically, the web version can have more depth and detail.  It can have navigation, video, animations etc etc.




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Re: Marketo email viewed as web page

Jeff's method above is the best workaround. Marketo does not create a static file for emails that are sent; each web view is a personalized email file based on an identifier in Marketo.