Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns

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Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns

Hello Marketo Experts,

The Issue I have here is: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns.

Result: I wasn’t able to get the correct lead info sync to SFDC.

I wasn’t sure why Marketo chose to execute the incorrect campaign, ignore the one suppose to be executed. Does anyone know how can I resolve this issue? Or what’s the problem could be?

Action/Trigger: Fill out the form on LP.

The correct Smart Campaign “Add leads to list & sync SFDC”:

A. Smart list:

- Fill out the form = Form;

- SFDC CampaignID = CampaignID

B. Flow: 

- Add to list = list

- Change Data Value

- Change Status in SFDC Campaign

However, the form on LP also associate with other smart campaigns. The result is after filled out the form, it executed the other smart campaign – “Form Submitted” campaign.

The incorrect Smart Campaigns:

1. Smart Campaign “Form Submitted”

- Smart list: Fills out form = Form

- Flow: Change Data Value, Request Campaign = “Sync to SFDC”

2. Smart Campaign“ Sync to SFDC”

Because the last flow step in above “Form Submitted” is “Sync to SFDC”. Therefore, Marketo continue executing the Smart Campaign “Sync to SFDC”.

Thank you for your time and help in advance,



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Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns


Hi there! A few things -

1. On the "Correct" campaign: Since this is a form being used by multiple assets, you can use the Fills out Form trigger with the web page constraint (add in your landing page there). It's likely that SFDC Campaign ID filter is not allowing the lead to flow through. You could also change your smart list filters to be an "OR"/Any option and the lead will likely flow through.

2. On the "Incorrect" campaign: The lead is qualifying on that form fill out so it's correct that the lead would flow through there. Is your intention of that campaign to capture all conversion activity for that form? or again, if it's for a different landing page, use the web page constraint on the Fills out Form trigger to specify which landing page that campaign is tracking.

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns

Executing the "incorrect" SCs isn't incorrect. They match the trigger criteria.

As for not executing the first "correct" SC I assume the lead didn't actually qualify due to the SFDC Campaign filter.

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Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns


Hi there! A few things -

1. On the "Correct" campaign: Since this is a form being used by multiple assets, you can use the Fills out Form trigger with the web page constraint (add in your landing page there). It's likely that SFDC Campaign ID filter is not allowing the lead to flow through. You could also change your smart list filters to be an "OR"/Any option and the lead will likely flow through.

2. On the "Incorrect" campaign: The lead is qualifying on that form fill out so it's correct that the lead would flow through there. Is your intention of that campaign to capture all conversion activity for that form? or again, if it's for a different landing page, use the web page constraint on the Fills out Form trigger to specify which landing page that campaign is tracking.

Level 4

Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns

Hi Joy,

Thank you so much for your structured inputs, which all sounds good and make sense.

Here are some updates. I haven't do any update for the SM yet. But for some reason, my co-worker tested it and her information was able sync to SFDC. I wasn't sure why mine didn't work... Do you have any thoughts here? 

I am going to try your approach which is add the LP as constraint with "Fill out Form" Trigger.

Based on your great advice, I have another question. Since this is a form being used by multiple assets, for this case, I can try to use constraint with “Web page”. In this way, Marketo won’t run other relevant SMs. However, how if, I don’t have an associate web page. For example, I sent out an email blast. The action that people open the form link in the email will trigger the SM(s). I assume that Marketo will run all the relevant smart campaigns. If there a way that I can tell Marketo only run one campaign?

Thank you,


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns

The action that people open the form link in the email will trigger the SM(s). Becky

I think you mean SCs, not SMs.

If you mean you're triggering on a Clicked Email event, be very wary of trusting a single click as automated clicks are also performed by mail scanners, it's not just human activity.

You can't tell Marketo to only run one trigger SC if multiple SCs have criteria (trigger + filter) that match the activity. You can constrain a trigger on Clicked Email to only relate to a given email, of course.

Level 4

Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns

Yeah, you are correct. SCs, not SMs. I got ya, make sense. Thank you so much for your time and suggestions, Sanford.

Have a nice day,


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Re: Marketo didn’t go through the correct smart campaign, it executed different campaigns
