Marketo channel questions

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Marketo channel questions

Hi guys

We have two questions regarding the change of Marketo channel status, please.
Below it's one of our channel setup. And there are a number of programs that are using this channel. 



1) If we change the Success tick from Influenced - 50 to Received - 40, what will happen to the programs & members that are currently using this channel? 

2) if we add another new Status, for example: Engaged - 60  after the Influenced - 50 status. But still keeping Influenced one as Success (adding another status after the success stage, but don't count it as success). What will this do to the programs that are using this channel? Can we add another status after the Success step in a channel? 

Thank you 

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo channel questions

1) If we change the Success tick from Influenced - 50 to Received - 40, what will happen to the programs & members that are currently using this channel? 

The success status would change to the "Received" status from the "Influenced" status for all the programs currently using this channel, and moving fwd people added to the Received channel status will be marked as success.


When a program member hits a success channel status, Marketo updates the "Program Success" to TRUE and "Success Date" with the date when the person has hit the program success status (i.e., the system date). It's noteworthy to mention that for the program members already in the Influenced status before updating the channel success to the Received status would still be considered as success even after the success status has been changed to the Received, as the Program Success boolean field is not retroactively updated to False to match the channel's success staus in-case it is changed later.


Similarly, people already in the Received status before it's marked as success status wouldn't be considered as being reached the program success , as similar to the earlier case -  "Program Success" boolean field is not retroactively updated to TRUE to match the channel's success staus in-case it is changed later. The changes to the channels/success status are forward looking, i.e., future program members reaching the Received status would be marked as success, and those reaching the Influenced status would not be marked as success.

2) if we add another new Status, for example: Engaged - 60  after the Influenced - 50 status. But still keeping Influenced one as Success (adding another status after the success stage, but don't count it as success). What will this do to the programs that are using this channel? Can we add another status after the Success step in a channel? 

Thank you 

Yes, you can add other non-success channel status(es) before/after the success status, all the programs currently using this channel would be updated to have the new channel status updated in the summary page and same would also be available as a drop down value for updating the program channel status for the people. Based on at which position you'd like to add the new channel status, you should add the apt channel status' step value.


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo channel questions

The status with the success tick will only be counted as the success status, if the person is transitioned to the new non-success status after going through the success status then the person will be marked as having reached the program success (since they'd hit the success status before), whereas if the person hops to the non-success status w/o being hitting the success status above, the person will not be counted as having reached the program success.


It's noteworthy to mention that a person can skip stages in-between, w/o the need to go through all the statuses in b/w, however as you'd already know the person cannot go backwards in these progression steps.


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo channel questions

1) If we change the Success tick from Influenced - 50 to Received - 40, what will happen to the programs & members that are currently using this channel? 

The success status would change to the "Received" status from the "Influenced" status for all the programs currently using this channel, and moving fwd people added to the Received channel status will be marked as success.


When a program member hits a success channel status, Marketo updates the "Program Success" to TRUE and "Success Date" with the date when the person has hit the program success status (i.e., the system date). It's noteworthy to mention that for the program members already in the Influenced status before updating the channel success to the Received status would still be considered as success even after the success status has been changed to the Received, as the Program Success boolean field is not retroactively updated to False to match the channel's success staus in-case it is changed later.


Similarly, people already in the Received status before it's marked as success status wouldn't be considered as being reached the program success , as similar to the earlier case -  "Program Success" boolean field is not retroactively updated to TRUE to match the channel's success staus in-case it is changed later. The changes to the channels/success status are forward looking, i.e., future program members reaching the Received status would be marked as success, and those reaching the Influenced status would not be marked as success.

2) if we add another new Status, for example: Engaged - 60  after the Influenced - 50 status. But still keeping Influenced one as Success (adding another status after the success stage, but don't count it as success). What will this do to the programs that are using this channel? Can we add another status after the Success step in a channel? 

Thank you 

Yes, you can add other non-success channel status(es) before/after the success status, all the programs currently using this channel would be updated to have the new channel status updated in the summary page and same would also be available as a drop down value for updating the program channel status for the people. Based on at which position you'd like to add the new channel status, you should add the apt channel status' step value.


Level 4
Level 4

Re: Marketo channel questions

Thank you so much for the comprehensive explanation, Darshil!


I have another silly question, please. Based on your answer to my previous question: 


'Yes, you can add other non-success channel status(es) before/after the success status, all the programs currently using this channel would be updated to have the new channel status updated in the summary page and same would also be available as a drop down value for updating the program channel status for the people. Based on at which position you'd like to add the new channel status, you should add the apt channel status' step value.'


Okay, I understand we can add another non-success channel status before the success status. But if we add one new status AFTER the current success status, does this mean that the new status (after the success status) will still count as Success? Because you would have to come through as Success before reaching this last new status. 


So anybody who reaches this new status (not count as Success) would already pass through on the Success status because the Success status is before this last new status. But then the question is, will BOTH statuses count as Success or just the one that has the tick? 


I hope my explanation makes sense; if not, please let me know.



Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo channel questions

The status with the success tick will only be counted as the success status, if the person is transitioned to the new non-success status after going through the success status then the person will be marked as having reached the program success (since they'd hit the success status before), whereas if the person hops to the non-success status w/o being hitting the success status above, the person will not be counted as having reached the program success.


It's noteworthy to mention that a person can skip stages in-between, w/o the need to go through all the statuses in b/w, however as you'd already know the person cannot go backwards in these progression steps.


Level 4
Level 4

Re: Marketo channel questions

I see; thanks a lot for the answer, Darshil.  I do have one more question, please.

For the Program Channel Steps, I understand they are usually whole numbers (e.g. 10, 20, 30 etc.)

1) Can we have them set up as, let's say, 12, 22, 32? 
2) Does the difference between each Step needs to be consistent? Can we have something like 10, 20, 40, 70 (as an example?) 


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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo channel questions

The step value help decide the order of channel status values in Marketo, following is the acceptable range for the status's step number - 


0 < Step Number ≤ 2147483647


1) Can we have them set up as, let's say, 12, 22, 32? 

Yes, as long as the value is b/w the above range, you should be good to use any step number. Based on the step value the channel statuses will be ordered and you can only change status of a person to a higher or equal value status.


2) Does the difference between each Step needs to be consistent? Can we have something like 10, 20, 40, 70 (as an example?) 


The Step number is used for sorting of program statuses and you can have the channel statuses with varied step number differences, i.e., difference b/w two consecutive channel statuses' step number need not be same. 


Level 4
Level 4

Re: Marketo channel questions

Thank you so much, Darshil! Appreciate it! 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo channel questions

You're welcome! Glad I could help! 🙂