Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Since Dec 17th Marketo has been unable to find any of my SFDC lead queues. I called marketo about it after noticing on Jan 4th and they said it is a known issue that engineering is building a patch for. Basically the marketo script is adding an extra space to the queue name when searching in SFDC which results in a NULL find. It has been 3 days now since the ticket was filed, so basically my lead routing system is completely broken. The severity of the issue is high but marketo seems to be taking their time with the fix. I am surprised no one else has expressed this problem on the marketo community.
I want to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue. Is this a system wide issue? Please let me know if you are able or not able to assign leads to a SFDC queue between Dec 17th to today.
This is the first I've heard of it. If Support said it's an engineering issue, then there's not much to do except put more pressure on them.
You could rebuild the routing in SFDC if it isn't too complex (more for time than anything else).
Thanks Josh,
Are your leads getting assigned to SFDC queues currently?
Hey Dexter, is it when newly editing queue assignment, or is affecting all previously-functioning smart campaigns that haven't been edited? I.e., is the problem with the Marketo UI submitting to the back-end, or is it a problem with back-end processing?
I just checked in our instance and this isn't a problem affecting us, so it's probably pod-specific. Interested to see if any other users on have errors.
If it's a front-end problem, I might have a (complex and technical) solution for you that I can walk you through off-line.
Hey Ed thanks for the reply
Nothing was changed on our side, previously was working correctly then it just broke out of nowhere so I believe it is a back end processing error. Thanks for checking your instance and confirming it is working on your side.
Hi Dexter,
We do not use Marketo to assign leads to queues. Marketo set the field values (such as status and other fields that can define lead assignement) but the assignment it self is done in SFDC, with workflows and / or assignment rules.
Dexter, that's a weird looking error. Definitely hit up support.
Once you get resolved, you will probably run into another issue where you can't use Queues in reports or workflows. Check out this article when you get to that point for some workarounds.
Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated. Still kinda blown away this isnt fixed by support yet.