Mapping SurveyMonkey Responses to a Custom Salesforce Object

Level 1

Mapping SurveyMonkey Responses to a Custom Salesforce Object



We currently have a SurveyMonkey/Marketo integration set up. Is there a way to map SurveyMonkey responses to a custom Salesforce object? We are trying to map responses to a custom SurveyMonkey Response object, but I'm not seeing a way to do this with the SM/Marketo integration. Thanks!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Mapping SurveyMonkey Responses to a Custom Salesforce Object

No, it’s not possible for any Marketo-side integration to create SFDC COs. (Nor can you do this using the Marketo UI — you can only read SFDC COs in Marketo, not write them.)


You would have to integrate on the SFDC side instead, or use an interstitial layer that transforms Marketo COs into SFDC COs.