Re: Map an entire JSON object to a field using Webhooks?

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Map an entire JSON object to a field using Webhooks?

Is it possible to map an entire JSON object to a field using webhooks?

I'd like to use a webhook to pull an entire JSON object into a field.  I'm able to get "leaves" of the JSON object into a field, but can't figure out how or if I can pull the entire object in.

Here is what my web hook looks like:


Any help would be much appreciated!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Map an entire JSON object to a field using Webhooks?

If you want to bring the entire (unparsed) JSON object in as a string, then it has to be embedded as JSON string by the back end. Otherwise it's always parsed as an object with properties, as we expect.



  responseJSON : JSON.stringify(originalResponseObject)
