Hi There,
We have certain employee accounts in the database who, through segmenting or some other variable, are not receiving every email we send out (we have a fairly complex segmentation so this could be any number of issues pertaining to that).
I add these accounts to the logic through a specific "sales team" list, but it seems like they still aren't receiving some items.
My question is this: Is there a way to make sure that a given account receives all outgoing blast emails, regardless of smart logic involved in the send?
Can you add all the addresses to a static list and include it in every Smart List of all email campaigns?
Also ensure communication limits are appropriate.
The point about communication limits is very important as you cannot override it unless you override it for all campaign members.
Keep in mind that all these leads will have to be unsubscribed=F, invalid=F, black listed=F, and not suspended. So if someone leaves the Org and you didn't update the list, Marketo will get the bounce.